7 nights Amazon Rain Forest Retreat
7 extra nights in the Sacred Valley & Cusco


06 - 20 July
17- 31 August

*This trip is also available as part of the 3 week Inka Trilogy Retreat

If you're an ambitious creator who often comes tantalizingly close to seizing the carrot, only to be derailed by self-sabotage and recurring old patterns, your attention veering off course and into past fears.
Join me in the rainforest, with Mama Ayahuasca, as we work together to recover that divergent energy. See your wounding experiences from a higher perspective, experience your own deeply loving presence and let go, forgive and rewrite your story.

I want to be my best self

Let’s go to Manu!

The Amazon Basin

As you start this unforgettable adventure, you take stock of where you are in your life from the top of the mountain, you overlook the cloud forest that has been obscuring your path.  As you descend down the mountain, the air becomes thick with warmth and the sounds of exotic creatures fill your ears. With every step, you attune your sensors and start to notice the camouflaged wildlife as well as the hidden unnoticed aspects of yourself.

Vibrant hummingbirds accompany you, with feathers that were dipped in a rainbow by the gods themselves. They can fly forwards and backwards and they want to take and return your messages to help you navigate the path towards owning your power fully in your own way.

As you journey down the river of your life Mamá Ayahuasca greets you in ceremony,  filling your whole being with love, purging you of heavy negative emotion, offering you the wisdom of her powerful jungle spirit and bringing you deep connection with your own heart. In the morning you bathe in flower petals and ground the full colour and expression of yourself.

From this point on with an open heart you see life differently, you acknowledge discomfort or pleasure as the fabric of life designed to enrich you. A sense of gratitude for your qualities, gifts and talents is reflected back to you by the abundant creatures who live in their truth, accept what is, show their colours unapologetically, take risks and deal with tomorrow when it arrives.

This sense of flow anchors in you and as the sun rises in one of the most incredible view points in the world. You rise too, you are ready, you are whole, you are energised and ready to be the predominant creator in your life.

This retreat is for you if…….

You love experiences that are awe-inspiring, soul-stirring and heart-opening that go into the bone of who you are and make a life-changing difference.

You can’t wait to free your head of energy stealing thoughts and have your focus in the now.

You are ready to make friends with your resistance, take a deeper look at its message and welcome the power it’s alerting you to reclaim.

You want to compassionately and authentically express the fullest version of yourself in the world.

You marvel at the chance to champion yourself and step out into the unknown.

You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world supports your expansion of consciousness and you want to let the magic in for the co-creation of your dreams.



• AMAZON RIVER rafting
Hingkiori Petroglyphs
• Matsigenga tribe

What’s Included

  • Accommodation (Jungle Lodges)

  • Our own cook will be preparing all our meals including a mid-morning snack. All our dietary particulars in preparation for ceremony will be catered for

  • Entrance Tickets/Fees

  • Bilingual Guides

  • Land & River Transport (not flights)

  • Ayahuasca Ceremony

  • Flower Petal Bath

  • All necessary equipment (mosquito nets, life jackets, rubber boots, camping equipment)

  • Mineral water

  • First aid, including anti-venom for snake bites

What’s not included

  • FLIGHTS (International & domestic)

  • Alcoholic Drinks

  • Laundry Services

  • Travel Insurance

  • Tips


By the end of our time together you will have said goodbye to haunting emotional baggage, said hello and welcome to your own heart’s capacity to deeply love and accept you in your divinity, so that you can focus your life force energy fully into your mission to create your best life, cheered on by fellow adventurers with equal passion for life, grateful for sharing this journey to wholeness.

I’m ready to thrive

Rain Forest Itinerary

Trip Duration: 1 Week

The first week of this retreat runs from Saturday to Saturday. We will arrive back in Cusco around midday. There’s a choice to head for the airport or start the integration week in the Sacred Valley.


PLEASE NOTE: This itinerary is an outline, we reserve the right to re-order or swap in and out alternatives to maximise our possibilities and satisfaction if internal or external factors impact our trip. The jungle is an unpredictable place.

Day 1 - saturday arrival

Airport pick-ups will be organised from Cusco to Pisac in the Sacred Valley.

Depending on your flight time, you will hopefully get chance to unwind, stretch out and recover from your flight. The idea is to have a good nights sleep before our bus ride to the jungle starts. Pisac is at a lower altitude than Cusco so hopefully you will decompress a little it’s also on route for our trip. The hotel has a pool and spa facilities.

We will open the retreat at 3pm with introductions, a despacho & intention setting.

Day 2 - sunday

Pisac - Acjanaco - Cloud Forest

We will have an early breakfast and travel over the Acjanaco pass (3,600m) and down into the Cloud forest. Today is all about our own connection to nature and the plant kingdom. The air is full of oxygen, the sounds, colours and perfumes stimulate all your senses. We will visit the viewpoint of the Kosñipata valley and the orchidarium with more than 80 species. We will then descend through the cloud forest where we will be on the look out for monkeys, the ‘Cock of the Rock’ (Peru’s national bird), the Quetzal and much more. We will take short walks through the waterfalls on the Ketzal trail. We will arrive at our lodge in time for dinner.


Eco Reserve - Ayahuasca Ceremony

After Breakfast we will enjoy our beautiful surrounding. You will be free to do a plant walk, meditation and journalling as you wish. By now you will have started to unwind into the natural and purposeful rhythm of nature. We will have some group time to ponder our questions for Mama Ayahuasca and set intentions for our ceremony.

In the afternoon we will welcome our Ayahuascero, there will be coca leaf readings and an energy cleansing ritual. Our Maestro will give us an introduction to the ceremony process and open the ceremony with prayers as the sun sets. Our journey with Mama Ayahuasca will last between 4 and 6 hours, after we will share a fruit platter and you will then return to your room to rest.


Ceremony Processing & Sharing

After breakfast the Shaman will be available for us to share our experiences and help interpret our visions, then he will lead a closing ceremony to thank Pachamama and we will all enjoy a flower petal bath. This will be a day of deep reflection, journaling (and drawing if you are inclined). We will share our experiences and be present with our insights and healing.

After lunch we will visit Hingkiori Petroglyphs. The glyphs lay deep inside the ancestral homeland of the Machiguenga people. Local Machiguengas believe the petroglyphs correspond to a sacred language that connects you to other realities. This jungle area has monkeys, hoatzin birds and various other native animals we can observe in their natural habitat. We can go deep into the jungle, India Jones style with machetes if we want to find the hidden additional petroglyphs, our guide as found them before.

DAY 5 - wednesday

Pilcopata - Atalaya - Machuwasi Lagoon

This morning we will take inflatable rafts and paddle down river to a gauge and a mermaid cave, again the incredible scenery is abundant with undisturbed wild life.
We’ll also learn a little bit about the “no-contact” tribes that inhabit this region. We will reflect on any “no-contact” aspects of ourselves that the medicine unveiled.

After lunch we will travel by motor boat along the Madre de Dios river to a beach where we will wander along a beautiful jungle trail to the stunning Machuwasi lake. Here we can climb a watch tower and ride across the lagoon on a raft. This beautiful lagoon is vibrant, perfumed with fruit and flowers and carries a chorus of bird and animal sounds, truly lights up all your senses. We will end the day with our sharing circle.

DAY 6 - thursday

Huacaria Community (Native Matsiguenka tribe)

Today we will spend some more time with our Maestro in his village. We will meet his community and take part in cultural activities, making bow and arrows, fire starting, learn about their handycrafts and take a swim in their swimming hole. Maybe we’ll drink their local brew if it’s available.

They will prepare our lunch which will be their local catch of the day.

In the afternoon we will visit a near by animal sanctuary where you can get up close to monkeys, parrots and a variety of other native creatures that are being healed and rehabilitated.

We will share what we learn from this community day in our evening circle time.

DAY 7 - friday

Pilcopata - Tres Cruses Sun Set

This morning there will be free time to explore local trails alone or with our guide before we pack up and head for Tres Cruces view point by bus which is located at the top of the Manu National Park (almost 3800 meters above sea level). There will be some short trails on route to break up the journey. Late afternoon we will watch the sunset and contemplate the populations settled along the Amazon and the imposing Apu Kañahuay (a mountain) where we will camp.

DAY 8 - saturday

Tres Cruses sunrise - Cusco

At 5.30am we will be in position to witness and admire the sunrise from one of the two viewpoints in the world where you can experience this natural spectacle that occurs in a very particular way. It will be possible to contemplate the tonalities of the sky and its great array of colours as a reflection of you. You entered this journey through the clouds and you end it through the light, at one with the light, clean and whole.

We will return to Cusco where you can begin your journey home or continue your trip through the sacred valley.

Trip Extension


  • Ollantaytambo fortress

  • Maras & moray

  • machu picchu

  • Cocalmayo HOT SPRINGS

  • Water & moon temples


Optional Extra if your flight schedule allows:

  • LIMA - Ceviche lunch & city tour

Trip Duration

The extension gives you an option of 7 more retreat days making a total of 14 days & nights.

Imagine taking your renewed self to the many temples in the sacred valley,
soaking up their inspirational, healing energy.
Appreciating your new whole and grounded self, listening to the
whispers of the mountain apus who are waiting to show
you that we all breathe as one.

Sacred Valley Itinerary

Extended Trip Itinerary

DAY 8 - saturday

Good choice to continue….Depending on what time we reach Cusco, we will either have lunch in Cusco or on route to the Sacred Valley. We will be based in Ollantaytambo for the next 3 nights. This day is free for you to relax, settle in and wander around. There are hidden sights very close-by as well as trails up the sacred mountain Pinkuylluna that over looks the town. You are free to get dinner when you wish from the many local restaurants and enjoy a good early night in our beautiful hotel since we had such an early start.


Today we will open the space for our Sacred Valley adventure and explore the magnificent Inka Fortress in Ollantaytambo. We will be guided around the many features which include the Sun Temple, Condor Temple and Inka baths. We will make our own healing bungle (misha) with all the special items we have collected so far and anything that catches your eye in the artisan market. Our maestro will make an offering to bless our misha and this second part of our trip.
We will enjoy a local lunch and we will re-enter the site if possible, or do some group work together in the hotel grounds as we prepare for a second medicine ceremony tomorrow. Afterwards there will be some time to relax, journal and consider your new intentions. We will meet for a light dinner.


Today is our vision quest with San Pedro (the sacred medicine of the Andes) in ceremony at a very sacred temple in Ollantaytambo.
San Pedro is a gentle medicine that opens your heart. This Grandfather plant invites you to bring any questions to nature where they are met with answers that bring you into wholeness and eternal connection.
After the ceremony we will enjoy a soup made by a local lady who also sells her wears at the top of this mountain. There will be a choice to walk down the mountain back to the hotel or return by bus.


After breakfast, we will meet as a group this morning to download our medicine journey and have some personal reflection time. Late morning we will leave for a luxury buffet lunch followed by a bus ride to Moray to learn what the Inka’s knew about the power of circles and then the glistening Salt flats of Maras (run as a cooperative by 300+ families).
After a light dinner you’ll be recommended to take an early night, ready for a big day tomorrow.


A very early start this morning to catch the train to Machu Picchu town and then the bus up to Machu Picchu. We will be absorbing the wisdom and healing energy of this magnificent site with a mystically and historically informed guide. There are numerous circuits to explore this citadel, as a group we will do one but you will have options to do a second circuit if you wish.

A box lunch will be provided between circuits and you can also choose to return to the town by walking down the last part of the inca trail or hop back on the bus. If you are ready to retire after the first circuit you can relax at the hotel.


This morning we have an early but short train ride and a local combi to Santa Theresa where we spend the rest of the morning soaking in the wonderful thermal baths of Cocalmayo. We will then have a local lunch and head for Cusco by train.

day 14 - friday

Today we leave early for Cusco, our mystical guide will take us to a Water temple for a water ceremony. After lunch, the huge site of Sacsayhuaman will be our playground, where we will take some time to land our own choices with a special heart meditation. We will have a powerful closure of our retreat at the Moon Temple.

We might find somewhere fun to get some cocktails after our farewell dinner on this final evening.


Fly home.

If you have a morning flight from Cusco to Lima and would like to take a ceviche lunch and a city tour before a night flight, this optional extra can be organised for you. You will be met at Lima airport and your cases will be stowed in the car by my trusted driver. He will return you to the airport for your flight.

What’s included

  • 4* Hotel Accommodation (6 nights)

  • 3 Delicious meals per day

  • Entrance Tickets/Fees
    to Amazing Sites & experiences

  • Transport (train, coaches)

  • Thermal baths

  • Bilingual Guides

  • Self Development Work

What’s not included

  • FLIGHTS (International & domestic)

  • Lunch on change over day

  • Alcoholic and extra drinks or alternatives to drinks supplied with meals

  • Travel Insurance

  • Additional Services (e.g Laundry, Massage, Spa treatments, tours or activities not on our itinerary)

  • Tips/gratuities

 Your Investment

14 Days (14 Nights) Amazon Rain Forest
& Sacred Valley of the Inkas

based on double occupancy: $3,950
Single occupancy is available on the second week with a supplement

8 Days (7 Nights) Amazon Rain Forest only

based on double occupancy: $2,950
Single occupancy cannot be guaranteed at every location, but note a request and supplements can be paid on site when/if available.



The lodges have been chosen to best suit our adventure. The details here are the planned lodges, they may or may not be the ones we end up using, this page is to give you an idea of what the accommodation is like, BUT the pandemic followed by national political unrest brought a lot of hardship to this region, some parts are yet to recover and remain closed. For this reason, accommodation options remain flexible and we will maintain an end result that we will be well accommodated.

Eco Reserve

Jungle Lodge

Last night we are Camping (inside a basic mountian lodge) on the Apu Kañahuay mountain ready for the world famoust sun rise

SACRED VALLEY - 5 Night Extension

The hotels selected are hand picked to offer warmth (it can get very cold at night here), outside space, location, service and value, whilst offering suitable choice of extra comfort.

Ollantaytambo (4 nights)

We will spend 1 night in Machu Picchu town - Hotel to be confirmed

Cusco (2 nights)


Prepare for your trip

This healing journey starts the moment you commit. Whether you choose to take sacred medicine or not, the Andeans believe the ancestral spirits and the Apu’s (mountain spirits) get to work to support your intention as soon as you make it. Just one of many ways the teaching in this land aligns with hermetic premises that underpin my work.

  • Of all my itineraries this is the easiest and obviously you will enjoy it more if you can challenge yourself a little. There are transport options available if you want to reduce the leg work. As advisable for a ski trip, it’s best to increase your stamina and strength before you arrive. Increase your walking distance, do some hill walking, swim or dance to improve your fitness and lower your heart rate.

  • Dehydration is more rapid at altitude and first occurs on the aeroplane. Water will be available but you must take personal responsibility to keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep (especially after a long flight). Fly in with enough time to adjust.

  • It takes 3-4 days to produce more red blood cells and become more oxygen efficient. To assist your body’s adaptation you either need to increase the iron content in your diet or take a good quality supplement. I recommend Eagle Haemo-Red Plus or Solgar Gentle Iron, 25mg. Avoid low-quality iron supplements, they are poorly absorbed and cause constipation (e.g Iron Sulphate). Extra Iron is normally a free radical for men or post-menopausal women so it’s not included in all multi-vitamin supplements. Start taking it the day you fly and continue for 3 days (no more). Menstruating women adapt more readily and often don’t menstruate (lucky right?!) when coming to Andean altitudes because their bodies will keep the iron and not let it go. So don’t immediately assume you are pregnant or sick if your period doesn’t arrive.
    The local herbal remedy for altitude sickness is coca leaves, you can chew them or make an infusion with hot water, these are widely available in the hotels.

  • Dietary preparation is required to clean the body and prevent a nasty physical detox that is not ideal on holiday. We are intending to enjoy a wonderful heart-opening and profound connection to the time/space continuum on our journey, for sure some mental and emotional detoxing is a bonus and comes with mild purging, that’s normal.
    Oh and no sex either for a week before and 3 days after.

  • Yes there are and full instruction and guidance will be given to prepare you. The restrictions are more strict for Ayahuasca than San Pedro. Essentially you must have good cardiovascular health and be free of any contra-indicative conditions such as schizophrenia, hallucinations and not be on SSRIs for mood regulation. A full list of known contra-indicative medications will be provided but you should always check with your GP if you have any health concerns or want to pause any medication to participate. FULL responsibility is assumed by YOU in this undertaking.

  • Yes, couples are very welcome, of course you understand it is a personal development journey and you will both enable this space for one-another.

  • A packing list will be provided and you will not be required to carry all your luggage for the 3 week trip. We will store warm clothes in Cusco (for example) when we go to the jungle.

  • Both International and Domestic flights will normally be required for this trip.
    Internationally: it is possible to fly into Cusco (usually connection cities for long-haul are Bogota, Columbia and Santiago, Chile), but the majority of flights come into Lima.
    Domestic: You will need a return flight from Lima to Cusco if your international flight comes into Lima.

  • The trip is designed to help you adjust to the altitude gently but it does get higher and higher as we progress through the trip weeks.
    If allopathic medicine makes you feel safer bring both altitude sickness and travel sickness tablets. (These are also available to buy in Peru).
    For the Jungle specifically we are travelling outside of the mosquito season but you may elect to bring anti-malaria medication and have the yellow fever injection.

I choose heart & soul fitness